31/10/2018 3 Comments Sumner Halloween ? Weds ?Up for School, College & 🙄 Coaching ☀️
School going well & Torrie had a Netball Match after school 💪 & A men's squash team match this evening 🎾 Curtis & Perry trained at k2 this morning for a few hours 👊 More memory pics today from the last 2 years & 1 of Curtis winning the British Junior Closed 🏆 u13s 🙄 Also a pic of 2 years ago when the K2 🎃 reception staff 🎃 dressed up for Halloween 🎃 to help raise funds for Sumners treatments 🤕 Thank you everyone that helped us & 🙄💕 supported us over the last 2 years ☀️ to help us with Sumner 🌻 Torrie & myself played on mens team match tonight & Perry & Bay-Hesty celebrated Halloween 🎃 & Curtis was out coaching squash 🎾 We are always soo busy 😜 so really sorry if we don't get back to you quickly about stuff 🙄💕 Lovely pic of Aunty Yasmin Malik & Sumner 💖 Sleep tight everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x
18/10/2018 2 Comments Sumner ThursdayAnother busy day for team 👊 Malik with the usual 🙄
Pics of Sumner from the last 2 years 😔 which is so hard to accept 😔 that Sumners never going to be with us 😢💔 John Stephens was busy again today with 🌻 Sumner's 🌻memorial garden ☀️All taking shape nicely 💕 fanx John & it was soo nice to finally meet John & Jacquis daughter 😜 Claire Stephens in Waitrose 💕 & Fanx for making our little sunflowers 🌻 for Sumners keepsake 🐻 bears 💕 Squash Squads at K2 this afternoon went well 👊 & then Perry & Torrie had an away match at Sussex Uni 🎾 & both won 3-0 👊 & so the team also won 5-0 💪 well played 🏆 Last day at school tomoz then half term 🙄 unfortunately not booked any where to stay for the British Junior Closed 😔 mees keeps 🙄 forgetting 😜 Torrie helped woth the school squash coaching & Curtis took the later squad when we set off for our team match ☀️ Sleep well everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 17/10/2018 1 Comment Sumner WednesdayWell usual start to the day with school & College 🙄
Pics of our dearest Sumner 🌻 come up on my Facebook memories 💕soo glad tjat we took pic's & clip's For me it was admin all day 😔 & then after school Sumners Wednesday squash squad at K2 🎾 Curtis, Perry & Torrie all had team matches tonight 👊 So Bay-Hesty trained well 💪 busy at K2 with the English Open Snooker Championships 🎱 Then the surprise of the week as I take Curtis & Perry to play their Surrey Cup Squash Match 🎾 Perry Malik on first at no2 string to find 😜 himself playing against Ben Coleman 🙄 World no43 from England 🙄 & then Curtis Malik starts warming up to find himself playing the German no2 at no1 💪 string Raphael Kandra world no19 😜 ummm This is Surrey Cup Div 2 👊 Both boys played soo well ☀️ & Perry lost 0-3 with a tie break 3rd game 10-12 😔 & Curtis lost 1-3 by sneaking the 2nd game from the World no19 👊 Still can't actually believe that Sumners older brothers just played 🌻 against World Ranked Professional Players & acquitted themselves soo well 👊☀️ But meanwhile back at home at K2 🎾 Torrie Malik was playing for our men's 3rd team at no1 👊 & won 3-0 💪 not to be outdone by her older brothers 😜 Well played Torrie 💖 Sumner would have been soo proud ☀️ as are we 💕 Another DIPG warrior princess has gone 😢 called Jordyn 💔 soo sad 😔 So late night tonight 😔 & another Team match tomoz for Perry & Torrie 🎾👊 Fanx everyone for you likes & support 💖 Sleep well everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 16/10/2018 1 Comment Sumner TuesdayA few memory pic's of Sumner 💕 & as usual a busy day for Team Malik 👊
John Stephens came over to continue with Sumners Memorial Garden 🌻 & Sue helped to plant lots of 🌾 daffodils 🌾💕 Curtis & Perry trained at K2 this morning 💪 & the English Open Snooker Championships 🏆 are being held there 🙄 School & College went as well as can be 😜 expected 🤗. Squash Squad at K2 after school 🎾 & thanks to everyone that enjoys training with Team 👊 Malik as you are playing a part in helping them develope 💕 even they don't always realise it 🙄 Torrie 💖 Torrie really did play very well ladt night in the men's team match & we are as a family lucky ro have some good players & friends helping support us 💖 Thank You 👊 Left overs for dinner tonight & all watched a bit of the Channel Vas PSA Event at St Georges Hill by Squash TV on EuroSport 🙄 All still so quiet without Sumner 😢💔 we miss you too much 😔 & will LOVE YOU FOREVER 💖 Sleep tight everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 15/10/2018 1 Comment Sumner MondaySoooo tired 🙄 & gettng home at 12.15 at night 😔 is not good 😴
School, College & Squash training 👊 This morning Anisa Charania & Suzanne Bull came to see us this morning 💕 so nice to catch up 💖 Csaba Kemecsei also came over to to look at what we might be able to do with lighting in 🌻 Sumners memorial garden ☀️ fanx A few of team Malik still have chesty coughs 🤕 & tonight after squash training 🙄 Torriehad to play at no5 for the Horley mens 1st team 🙄 & she won 3-0 👊 thanks for playing Torrie 💕 & soo well coz this gave the team the win 👊 Pic's from memories of the last 2 years to sharewith you all 🙄💕 We really hope that you like them 🙄 & are not fed up with us blogging 😔 it truly helps me 💔 feel like Sumner is kinda still around 😢 14/10/2018 1 Comment Sumner SundayUp early as competing in the 🎾 Manchester Silver Junior Event 👊
Both Bailey & Torrie in the semi finals 👊 & both won 3-1 🌻 Heston lost a close 2-3 match & luckily for Perry a walkover 🙄 especially as he's still unwell 🤕 Got a light lunch & then it was time for 2 of 🎾 Team Malik to play in the finals 👊 Unfortunately both lost 😔 Torrie 2-3 in Girls u19s Final & Bailey 1-3 in Boys u13s Final 😔 There's always alot of vocal support for the other 😔 players when our children compete to play at Squash 🙄 & this is when we all REALLY MISS 💔 Sumner shouting out in his somewhat altered voice come on Torrie or Bay-Hesty 👊 or let's go Curtis & Perry 💪😔 even though his speech was slightly impaired 😔 due to his DIPG 🤕 Come Back Sumner 💔 Team Malik 🙄 need you 😢 & your support 💔 So then Heston plays & wins his last match playing properly 🙄 at last & Perry goes on a 6.10pm & wins his last match 3-1 👊 Some pics of the last year or so 😔 when we took Sumner for a food allergy & nutrition 💪 screening 🙄 & a few of todays 🙄 action Team Malik finished as follows ☀️ Bailey u13s Boys 2nd 🥈 Heston u13s Boys 7th 😔 Torrie u19s Girls 2nd 🥈 Perry u19s Boys 5th 🤕 We would like to thank our team of sponsors as follows 👊 Mantis (Rackets) Martin Aldridge Salming (Shoes) Smash Sports I-Pro Sports (Apparel) Andrew Murray Canadian Spa Troy Labelle K2 Crawley (Courts) ShowStorm Mark Bellinger Chandlers BMW Martin Walsh So quick showers & dinner to finally set off for at least a 4 hour journey at 8pm 😔 & they've all got School & College tomoz 😔 too late to finish up in Manchester & hopefully home by midnight 😔 but at least a fairly successful Silver Event for Team Malik 🙄 But we couldn't quite do it 4Sumner 😔 today 😢 Bailey was very upset 😔 Sleep well everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 13/10/2018 0 Comments Sumner Saturday & World Squash DayUp early to play squash 😜 & some people in the shops have emptied the shelves of the wrong SQUASH 😜
Perry still not himself & feeling ill 🤕 but all up here to play & the usual Sumner memory pic's come up from the last 2 years 🙄💕 which is lovely 💖 & sad 💔 Bailey, Heston, Torrie & Perry all won their first matches 👊 then had lunch & then mixed 🙄 results 😔 Bailey & Torrie both won 👊 but Heston & Perry both lost 😔 So Torrie & Bailey in semis tomoz while Perry & Heston play for 5th to 8th place 👊 Caught up with Lynn Aspinall, Amy Aspinall & Steve Allaspin at the Northern Club today 🙄 we were originally going to meet up with them in Spain 🇪🇸back in August ☀️ but all changed when Sumner deteriorated out there 🤕& we had to rush back to England 😢 & then the rest is soooo sad 💔 Steve wrote a poem when we lost Sumner 😢 ""Warrior"" 👊 & today he presented this 🌻 framed on sunflower paper for us as a 🙄keepsake ☀️💖🌻 such a lovely true poem & soo kind of him 💕 Life is tough for us at the moment 😔 for many many reasons 😢 & we'd LOVE to still be caring & loving Sumner 12/10/2018 0 Comments Sumner FridaySorry for yesterday 😔 tough times for us 💔
School for Torrie & Bay-Hesty 🙄 Perry off as feeling unwell as is Curtis 🤕 Nice to see Mary Tolfrey this morning 💕 with flowers 🌻 Fanx 💖 Riverford Organic Delivery came as clockwork ☀️ & then our Sumner ☀️memorial garden 🌻 Arbour got delivered as promised ☀️ thanks to our Band Family at the Ex-Bandables 🥁📯🥁 Took some lifting but we got it there 🌻 We think its going to be a very special place 💖 Thank you for your kind words & tellings off 😜 're yesterdays facebook blogg 🙄 ummmm 💕 Thank you to Jo Woods, Jackie Bulman & Bev Beynon-Cobb 💕 for helping us find 🙄 Accommodation up in 🙄 Manchester for this weekends Silver Squash Event 🏆 Perry, Torrie & Bay-Hesty are all competing 👊 Also great to catch up with Russell Munns as he's been really busy trying to organise the Sumner Fundraiser Day on the 22nd Dec up at The Edgbaston Priory Club 🤗 Please if you'd like to go 🙄 let us know or contact Russell direct 👊💕 Another DIPG 🤕 warrior princess called Renecca 😢 has gone 💔 Fanx Kaie Warren for our very own Sunshine teaspoons 💕 might have to defriend you 😜 if you keep sending us gifts 🙄💕 And don't forget its World Squash Day 👊 tomoz Sat 13th October 💖 Sleep safe everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 11/10/2018 1 Comment Sumner Thursday - 2 Months GoneSo after 12 & a bit years 🙄 of what was in truth really really hard 😔trying to raise 6 children of which 3 were triplets 💕 all 6 & under 🙄 & now being left with just memories & things 😢 & a huge whole in our families hearts 💔 Sumner is sooo missed 😢
Thanks John Stephens for getting on with Sumners Memorial Garden 🌻💕 The last 2 years flew by trying to SAVE Sumner ☀️ BUT WE FAILED 💔 We are Soooo Sorry Sumner 💕 that you are no longer here with us 😢where you belong 💕 & are still loved 💖 & much needed 🙄 part of us 💕 Sleep tight our dearest Sumner 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x 10/10/2018 0 Comments Sumner WednesdayBusy day again today for Team Malik 🙄
Pics of Sumner from the last 2 years ☀️ & things don't seem ti get any easier 😔💔 We all go about our daily lives 🙄 with a huge part of team Malik missing 💔 Poor SUMNER 😔 where ever you are 💕 we are sending all our LOVE 💖 School, College & Squash today 👊 as plenty of competition on tje Horizon ☀️ This afternoon Michael South popped into K2 to drop off a Hologram of one if Sumners 🌻 School Uniform photos 💕 Such a kind gift to have made up for us 💖 Not much else to say 😔 other than more DIPG 🤕 warriors have gone 😢💔 Sleep safe everyone 😴😴😴 Night night x 💔 x |
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